+41 766 866 998
Sound Crowd
Act out scenarios to find your team mates in a hilarious silent disco style game.
Summit Challenge
A creative and active team building activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Summit Challenge Online
An interactive, multiplayer scenario-based activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Sync Or Swim
Design and perform a hilarious choreographed Synchronised Swimming performance.
Team Wellbeing
A fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams’ ability to adapt to frequent change to develop a human skills and to create a culture of continuous learning.
Team Wellbeing Online
Fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams ability to adapt to frequent change and to create a culture of continuous learning.
The Green Game
Teams build sustainable, eco-friendly bird boxes, insect hotels and bat boxes.
The Human Race
Journey around the human body sharing knowledge and discovering new facts in a virtual race through a series of levels, scoring team points in a limited time frame.
The Infinite Loop
A simulation, and role playing, VR game. Players exchange roles in the real world to save a young man trapped in the virtual world.
The Infinite Loop - Online
Teams use agile thinking to save a young man trapped in a space ship.
Time Bound
Get hands on to create a life-size model capturing a moment in time.
Time to Talk
Time 2 Talk is a fast-paced, engagement tool that sparks spontaneous conversations and gives players an equal voice.
Trade Winds
Gather information, network and build trust to maximise your returns.
Treasure Island
Race to get all team members to a central island and open a treasure chest.
Answer environmental quizzes, hunt the saplings and plant trees for the community.