+41 766 866 998
Seconds Away
A fast-paced team board game to test product knowledge and accelerate sales skills
Soccer Nations
GPS trail to exploring team dynamics and collective decision-making while discovering World Cup soccer countries' cuisine, culture, and facts.
Sound Crowd
Act out scenarios to find your team mates in a hilarious silent disco style game.
Summit Challenge
A creative and active team building activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Summit Challenge Online
An interactive, multiplayer scenario-based activity where teams attempt to summit a virtual mountain successfully.
Sync Or Swim
Design and perform a hilarious choreographed Synchronised Swimming performance.
Team Wellbeing
A fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams’ ability to adapt to frequent change to develop a human skills and to create a culture of continuous learning.
Team Wellbeing Online
Fun engaging team activity designed to assist in improving teams ability to adapt to frequent change and to create a culture of continuous learning.
The Green Game
Teams build sustainable, eco-friendly bird boxes, insect hotels and bat boxes.
The Human Race
Journey around the human body sharing knowledge and discovering new facts in a virtual race through a series of levels, scoring team points in a limited time frame.
The Infinite Loop
A simulation, and role playing, VR game. Players exchange roles in the real world to save a young man trapped in the virtual world.
The Infinite Loop - Online
Teams use agile thinking to save a young man trapped in a space ship.
Time Bound
Get hands on to create a life-size model capturing a moment in time.
Time to Talk
Time 2 Talk is a fast-paced, engagement tool that sparks spontaneous conversations and gives players an equal voice.
Trade Winds
Gather information, network and build trust to maximise your returns.